The Foundation aims at promoting and supporting the scientific and technological progress of the Country. For this reason, it supports the innovation and carries out business development projects and initiatives involving the active cooperation of public bodies, universities, cultural institutions and research bodies.
Scientific Research and Innovation
The Foundation aims at promoting the education and the professional technological training for the telecommunications industry. To this end, it supports studies and researches and grants scholarships. Moreover, it promotes the participation of best-in-class students to the Masters organized by the main Italian universities.
Environment and Health
The Foundation pursues its objectives of safeguarding the environment, the territory and the health in compliance with the highest ethical value of a Sustainable Development.
For this, it promotes and supports related initiatives that contribute to the market development.
Solidarity and Society
The Foundation supports social initiatives and humanitarian projects to improve the living conditions of the citizens.
Art and Culture
The Foundation aims at promoting and widespreading, with the contribution of technology, the cultural, historical, archaeological and artistic heritage of the Country.
For this purpose, it can sponsor arts publications and exhibitions, as well as scientific, technical and cultural conferences and events.